Chatteris Digital Tour

Our Digital Tour of Chatteris is a circular tour covering some of Chatteris’ obvious and hidden history.

To follow the tour in person, you’ll need a smartphone or tablet computer with a mobile internet connection to access this website as you go. This site is mobile-friendly, and we’ve optimised it the best we can in order to reduce the amount of mobile data it uses.

The tour takes you to a number of locations/buildings within the centre of Chatteris, each of which has its own page on this website. Each location’s page gives you a short history of the place or building, displays some relevant photographs, includes a link to the location on Google Maps (in case you get lost!), and provides you with links to other websites where you can find out more.

At the bottom of each location’s page (under the heading “Taking a digital tour of Chatteris?“) are instructions explaining how to find the next destination on the tour, along with a link to the next location. Press that link in order to progress along the tour.

We recommend starting the tour at the Church Lane Car Park (click the link to begin!), although since the tour is circular you can begin and end at any point.

Don’t forget to read the “useful information” further down this page and, once you’ve done the tour, we’d appreciate it if you could send us some feedback.

Following the tour virtually from home

If you have difficulty following the tour in person for any reason, or if you’d like to explore Chatteris before visiting in person, you can follow the tour virtually using any internet-enabled desktop computer, laptop computer, tablet computer, or smartphone.

You can still read about each of the tour locations and see the photographs – and for each site we’ve even included a link to that location on Google Streetview so that you can see the location in a 360-degree view and get a more accurate understanding of each building/location in its surrounding context.

If you do follow the tour virtually, we’d be really interested to find out how you get on! See the “Feedback” section below.

Stops on the tour

Select one of the below stops on the tour in order to begin. We recommend starting at the Church Lane Car Park, but since the tour is circular you can begin at the location that is most convenient for you.

Stops on the tour marked with an asterisk (*) only feature in the “longer” version of the tour. You will need to decide whether you wish to take the “long” tour or the “short” tour when you are at The Boar’s Head. The instructions there will tell you where to go next based upon the decision you have made.

Useful information


Free all-day parking is available in Chatteris’ car parks. Although on-street parking in Chatteris’ Town Centre is also free, it is time-restricted so we recommend using the car parks where possible.

We recommend starting and finishing the tour at the Church Lane Car Park, but since the tour is circular you can start at any point on the route. If you park in the larger Furrowfields Car Park, you can begin the tour at Peck’s Yard.

Further parking information can be found on Fenland District Council’s website.


Chargeable public toilets are located in Furrowfield’s Car Park. You can find them by walking up Furrowfields Road between the Lindsells Brewery and Peck’s Yard stops on the tour – which is about halfway around the “short tour”. They are located on the right, just beyond Chatteris Library.

You can also find toilets at Chatteris Museum (if it is open), and The Cross Keys Inn has kindly given permission for people taking the self-guided tour to make use of its facilities.

Chatteris Museum

Chatteris Museum is only open on certain days of the week, and for limited hours. If you would like to visit the museum as part of your tour, you should check the museum’s website for the latest opening hours and plan your tour accordingly.


In case of emergency, Defibrillators can usually be found:

  • Attached to the side of the Co-op Funeral Care building, near Grove House (the mid-point of the short tour).
  • Outside Emmanuel Church in East Park Street (close to the recommended start/end point at the Church Lane Car Park).
  • Inside the King Edward Centre, if it is open.

You may need to call 999 for an access code.

Covid-19 and Coronavirus

Please follow local and national government advice on best practice to keep yourself and others safe from coronavirus, and check that no local or national restrictions are in place before undertaking the tour.

Some establishments may require you to wear a face covering, especially if you need to go indoors for any reason.


If you enjoyed the tour, please tell your friends! We’d love for everyone to have a chance to try it out and to find out all about our lovely town!

We’d also love to hear your feedback to help improve the tour!

Please do contact us with feedback of any kind, but we’re particularly keen to hear:

  • what you liked about the tour,
  • if there was anything you didn’t like,
  • whether the tour worked as expected or not,
  • if any of the links are broken or go to the wrong place, or
  • if there was anything that you thought needed improving or adding.

Future tour plans!

We also want to know whether there would be interest in other specialised tours of Chatteris, such as tours covering the history of the different High Street shops, a tour of buildings that used to be public houses in the past, a tour of Listed Buildings, etc. If any of these sound interesting to you then let us know!


Copyright for material published on this website remains with its original owners. We have taken reasonable steps to try and locate the owners of any copyrighted material such as photographs. If you own the copyright to any material published on this site and object to its use here, please contact us.

Images found on this website should not be reproduced elsewhere, as this may result in a breach of copyright. Many of the photographs used are from the Chatteris Community Archive, which permits its material to be used on not-for-profit website such as this.